A drop of Wax and a lit of Fire set out a new course for the ship of fools
Materials: Collage and woodcut transferred to duratrans film, neon, plexiglas with antireflective UV protection, various materials and objects, artist frame, 170 cm × 380 cm.
A drop of Wax and a lit of Fire set out a new course for the ship of fools refers to the same visual motifs that are present in the installation The Ship of Fools – Floep Gloup Sloep (2021) in Kortrijk Weide. The work is about a transhistorical journey that forms a loop with the Northern European Renaissance of the early sixteenth century with writers, thinkers, and artists such as Erasmus, More, and Breugel. Through ritual actions the artist connects present and past. The Ship of Fools – Floep Gloup Sloep sails through a number of visual motifs from deep down in the European archives of imagination. Characters like Everyman, Nobody, Jesters, the Ship of Fools, the Praise of Folly, and Utopia take their place aboard, and settle in the Mess Deck.
40 kunstenaars uit 18 landen brengen 60 kunstwerken op 16 binnen- en buitenlocaties naar Kortrijk.